
The lore.kernel.org API

In my GSoC23 project, I had to understand the ins and outs of the lore API. By its API, I specifically mean the way requests to https://lore.kernel.org are responded, in other words, the syntax and...

GSoC23 Final Report

My GSoC23 journey, which I introduced in a previous post, is almost over. It really doesn’t feel like 16 weeks have passed, but I can say that, in this period, I have learned a lot and grown as a d...

The Finite-State Machine in kw patch-hub

My GSoC23 project (which I talked about in a previous post) is about implementing a feature in kw that serves as a hub for the public mailing lists archived on https://lore.kernel.org, with a focus...

Introducing SQLite3 to kw

Around May, I had the opportunity of helping to introduce a Database Management System (DBMS) to a project that used a file-based database. The DBMS was SQLite3 and the project was kw. This post de...

Got accepted into GSoC 2023!

A little more than a week ago, I received an email saying that my Kworkflow project proposal to GSoC 2023 was accepted. For those that don’t know, I’ll take a step back and explain what is Kworkflo...

Adding support for native Zsh completions

Being a somewhat new user of Zsh - made the transition from Bash around 2 months ago - I never thought I would have to learn about its completion system or how to write my own custom completion fun...